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Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday, September 01, 2014

Breast cancer
Cancer is a common disease now a days and every 7th person in the world is effected by cancer. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected. Types of cancer like,blood cancerbone marrow cancerliver cancerbreast cancer etc.
But in our this article we tell you about breast cancersymptoms and causes of breast cancerbreast cancer in Urdu, breast cancer signscausestreatment and prevention tips in Urdu for you.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer, which is also called in the jargon also breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. For this reason, and because the breast often long shows no symptoms and therefore often go undetected for a long time, many women have great fear of getting this condition.
The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, although the risk is not for all women is the same. There are rather few known risk factors that increase the probability of developing abreast cancer.

Causes of breast cancer

1. Breast cancer arises from malignantly altered cells of the mammary gland or milk ducts. Thesecancer cells have the property that they can grow and multiply uncontrollably into vessels. This allows in growth of blood vessels in the breast cancer throughout the body to disperse cancer cells, which then become the starting point of offshoot, known as metastases.
2. Other risk factors are smoking, especially in youth, and increased alcohol consumption. Rarely, benign breast tumors can develop into cancer.
3. Also some cases of breast cancer in women are due to such a familial risk. Especially if the mother or sister, so close blood relatives, is already ill at a young age, this may be an indication of such a gene mutation.

Symptoms of breast cancer

1. Breast cancer tumor generally grows very slowly, it can take years in some cases up to 20 years take until it is palpable.
2. Only when the breast cancer develops at a specific location, it can already cause early symptoms. Formed, for example, breast cancer in an adult stage, this can lead to fluid discharge from the nipple.
3. There is also breast cancer tumors that spread in the skin of the nipple. This so called Paget’s disease leads to redness and flaking of the nipple, which can easily be confused with eczema of the nipple.
4. At a more advanced stage of the disease when the tumor has already become significantly larger, other characters may be added. The tumor can then cause a swelling and redness of the surrounding tissue. In addition, it can also lead to confiscation of the nipple or skin area, which is located directly above the tumor.
5. At the present time, in the very consistent examinations are performed, a breast cancer stops are usually discovered at a relatively early stage, so that such ulceration is rarely seen.

Brest cancer treatment or therapy

The treatment is customized for each patient. Depending on the stage of different surgical procedures, chemotherapyhormonal therapy and radiation are combined.
1. Over half of the women, it is possible to perform a breast conserving surgery called so. In this case not the whole affected breast, but the tumor is removed at a sufficient safety distance. In addition to the lymph nodes in the armpit removed now, as they could possibly be already infected tumor cells. By this operation, expansion however, there may in certain cases to impaired drainage of tissue fluid manifested by a painful swelling of the arm on the same side.
2. Another way of adjuvant therapy is chemotherapy. Here, the woman concerned will be administered substances that damage the tumor cells so much that they die. These drugs, the so called cytotoxic drugs may be administered in a plurality of cycles, so that today usually six treatment cycles to be carried out at an interval of 3 weeks.
The optimal breast cancer treatment for each woman is compiled from all of these treatment options, what the prognosis of women suffering from breast cancer has improved significantly in recent years.

Breast cancer in Urdu

Breast cancer in Urdu
health tips. cancer in Urdu

Breast cancer

Riasat Ghor  |  at  Monday, September 01, 2014

Breast cancer
Cancer is a common disease now a days and every 7th person in the world is effected by cancer. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected. Types of cancer like,blood cancerbone marrow cancerliver cancerbreast cancer etc.
But in our this article we tell you about breast cancersymptoms and causes of breast cancerbreast cancer in Urdu, breast cancer signscausestreatment and prevention tips in Urdu for you.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer, which is also called in the jargon also breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. For this reason, and because the breast often long shows no symptoms and therefore often go undetected for a long time, many women have great fear of getting this condition.
The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, although the risk is not for all women is the same. There are rather few known risk factors that increase the probability of developing abreast cancer.

Causes of breast cancer

1. Breast cancer arises from malignantly altered cells of the mammary gland or milk ducts. Thesecancer cells have the property that they can grow and multiply uncontrollably into vessels. This allows in growth of blood vessels in the breast cancer throughout the body to disperse cancer cells, which then become the starting point of offshoot, known as metastases.
2. Other risk factors are smoking, especially in youth, and increased alcohol consumption. Rarely, benign breast tumors can develop into cancer.
3. Also some cases of breast cancer in women are due to such a familial risk. Especially if the mother or sister, so close blood relatives, is already ill at a young age, this may be an indication of such a gene mutation.

Symptoms of breast cancer

1. Breast cancer tumor generally grows very slowly, it can take years in some cases up to 20 years take until it is palpable.
2. Only when the breast cancer develops at a specific location, it can already cause early symptoms. Formed, for example, breast cancer in an adult stage, this can lead to fluid discharge from the nipple.
3. There is also breast cancer tumors that spread in the skin of the nipple. This so called Paget’s disease leads to redness and flaking of the nipple, which can easily be confused with eczema of the nipple.
4. At a more advanced stage of the disease when the tumor has already become significantly larger, other characters may be added. The tumor can then cause a swelling and redness of the surrounding tissue. In addition, it can also lead to confiscation of the nipple or skin area, which is located directly above the tumor.
5. At the present time, in the very consistent examinations are performed, a breast cancer stops are usually discovered at a relatively early stage, so that such ulceration is rarely seen.

Brest cancer treatment or therapy

The treatment is customized for each patient. Depending on the stage of different surgical procedures, chemotherapyhormonal therapy and radiation are combined.
1. Over half of the women, it is possible to perform a breast conserving surgery called so. In this case not the whole affected breast, but the tumor is removed at a sufficient safety distance. In addition to the lymph nodes in the armpit removed now, as they could possibly be already infected tumor cells. By this operation, expansion however, there may in certain cases to impaired drainage of tissue fluid manifested by a painful swelling of the arm on the same side.
2. Another way of adjuvant therapy is chemotherapy. Here, the woman concerned will be administered substances that damage the tumor cells so much that they die. These drugs, the so called cytotoxic drugs may be administered in a plurality of cycles, so that today usually six treatment cycles to be carried out at an interval of 3 weeks.
The optimal breast cancer treatment for each woman is compiled from all of these treatment options, what the prognosis of women suffering from breast cancer has improved significantly in recent years.

Breast cancer in Urdu

Breast cancer in Urdu

Monday, September 23, 2013

Every men have wish to get strong muscles and smart body to impress the girls. Some people want 6 pack, 8 pack or 10 pack body muscles and for that purpose they goes to gem, do exercises and eat healthy food along with that lots of body work is also required. But when they leave all such things their body fluctuate and loses the stiffness and momentum. Here with the intensity techniques described below muscle building tips and tips for building body and muscle. These muscle building tips can help you get more out of each exercise and your muscles will thank you it is safe.

Muscle building tips

1. Tighten the muscles at the moment of highest stress about 3 to 5 seconds as hard as possible to in slow motion principle of so called run of only one repetition per set, but then also takes the full 60 seconds. Sounds easy, but sapping your energy, because for this unusually slow movement of the body must obtain the muscle fibers, which are not active at normal pace.

Muscle building tips

Riasat Ghor  |  at  Monday, September 23, 2013

Every men have wish to get strong muscles and smart body to impress the girls. Some people want 6 pack, 8 pack or 10 pack body muscles and for that purpose they goes to gem, do exercises and eat healthy food along with that lots of body work is also required. But when they leave all such things their body fluctuate and loses the stiffness and momentum. Here with the intensity techniques described below muscle building tips and tips for building body and muscle. These muscle building tips can help you get more out of each exercise and your muscles will thank you it is safe.

Muscle building tips

1. Tighten the muscles at the moment of highest stress about 3 to 5 seconds as hard as possible to in slow motion principle of so called run of only one repetition per set, but then also takes the full 60 seconds. Sounds easy, but sapping your energy, because for this unusually slow movement of the body must obtain the muscle fibers, which are not active at normal pace.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How was that again? They have lost in the last weeks of weight, but increased again in the following weeks, and the battle for the weight loss starts again. So how can you lose weight permanently? But they have done everything that the latest diet programs recommend or try fat burner? Therefore, search real sustainable weight loss tips?

The truth is, in order to lose weight permanently and easily remove you need something more than just a current diet program. It requires the will really take off, the have a full shift of perception, diet and lifestyle to follow. Do not worry this can be done gradually, with a minimum of fuss and definitely with less victims than you think. If you want to lose your excess weight, you should follow these 5 weight loss tips to lose weight healthy and easily.

5 weight loss Tips

1. Reduce fats in your daily diet.A reduction in fat will help you to easy removal, since fats contain more calories than regular food, sometimes the ratio is greater than 4 : 1.

2. Make sure that you at every lunch, half a plate of fresh vegetables, eat best with a few slices of cucumber, tomato, green pepper and maybe half a peeled carrot. If you want to refine the taste with a healthy salad dressing. If you get hungry, grab an apple, banana or a pear.
weight loss tips

5 Weight loss Tips

Riasat Ghor  |  at  Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How was that again? They have lost in the last weeks of weight, but increased again in the following weeks, and the battle for the weight loss starts again. So how can you lose weight permanently? But they have done everything that the latest diet programs recommend or try fat burner? Therefore, search real sustainable weight loss tips?

The truth is, in order to lose weight permanently and easily remove you need something more than just a current diet program. It requires the will really take off, the have a full shift of perception, diet and lifestyle to follow. Do not worry this can be done gradually, with a minimum of fuss and definitely with less victims than you think. If you want to lose your excess weight, you should follow these 5 weight loss tips to lose weight healthy and easily.

5 weight loss Tips

1. Reduce fats in your daily diet.A reduction in fat will help you to easy removal, since fats contain more calories than regular food, sometimes the ratio is greater than 4 : 1.

2. Make sure that you at every lunch, half a plate of fresh vegetables, eat best with a few slices of cucumber, tomato, green pepper and maybe half a peeled carrot. If you want to refine the taste with a healthy salad dressing. If you get hungry, grab an apple, banana or a pear.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Phlegm is also known as “MUCUS“. Phlegm caused by an allergy or inflammation in the body. Allergy or infection in the body disturbs the throat, causing the development of sputum. Sputum is mucous material comes in yellow or green color, and the color will give you an indication of the type you have phlegm. There treat domestic sputum not only ridding the throat of phlegm.

Phlegm treatment tips

Here we tell you some “phlegm treatment tips” or “mucus treatment tips in Urdu” through which you can treat phlegm disease accurately.

Phlegm treatment tips in Urdu

Riasat Ghor  |  at  Monday, August 26, 2013

Phlegm is also known as “MUCUS“. Phlegm caused by an allergy or inflammation in the body. Allergy or infection in the body disturbs the throat, causing the development of sputum. Sputum is mucous material comes in yellow or green color, and the color will give you an indication of the type you have phlegm. There treat domestic sputum not only ridding the throat of phlegm.

Phlegm treatment tips

Here we tell you some “phlegm treatment tips” or “mucus treatment tips in Urdu” through which you can treat phlegm disease accurately.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Term asthma is defined as a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. The bronchial mucous membrane is particularly sensitive to the different stimuli and swells it. Also produces the lung mucus. The airways are narrowed, the muscles of the lower respiratory tract is contracted spasmodically.

Asthma or colloquially only Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways due. Typical of asthma are especially coughing , shortness of breath and over stimulation of the lungs and bronchi by environmental stimuli.

Causes of asthma

The exact causes of asthma are still undetected. It is believed that genetic factors and environmental influences may be the cause. Also play a role in allergic disorders. They are risk factors in the development of asthma. An example of this is in particular the allergic rhinitis .

Asthma symptoms causes and treatment

Riasat Ghor  |  at  Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Term asthma is defined as a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. The bronchial mucous membrane is particularly sensitive to the different stimuli and swells it. Also produces the lung mucus. The airways are narrowed, the muscles of the lower respiratory tract is contracted spasmodically.

Asthma or colloquially only Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways due. Typical of asthma are especially coughing , shortness of breath and over stimulation of the lungs and bronchi by environmental stimuli.

Causes of asthma

The exact causes of asthma are still undetected. It is believed that genetic factors and environmental influences may be the cause. Also play a role in allergic disorders. They are risk factors in the development of asthma. An example of this is in particular the allergic rhinitis .

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